WBS Postal Teaching FAQ

You. Sharing Jesus.

Before You Start

Are printed lessons still relevant?

Absolutely. Most WBS Students rely on or prefer to study WBS’ printed lessons by mail. After all, over 4 billion people in the world have no access to the Internet. Even in the U.S., many Students and Study Helpers, alike, prefer printed lessons for convenience and reference.

How much time will I need to teach?

It’s up to you. You’ll spend 10 to 15 minutes responding to a Student’s completed lesson booklet. Once your teaching effort is fully up and running, each week you could spend from 20 minutes to an hour to as much as you like.

What if it becomes too much to manage?

You’re in control. A postal teaching program features seed-planting activity over a long period of time that is easy to manage. If you find you have too many Students, WBS will reassign them to other Study Helpers for you. Too few Students? WBS can get you more.

Do I need much Bible knowledge?

No. You’ll grade the Student’s multiple choice questions with a printed grading key. The specific Bible passages you need are quoted within each lesson. You’ll also make encouraging comments to their discussion questions and include personal notes. You will, however, have ample opportunity to teach as you encourage.

Is there a cost?

Yes. Teaching with WBS printed lessons begins with a basic understanding of the system and acquiring a small inventory of WBS lessons. One’s church typically pays for the costs of lessons and mailing.

WBS Process

Why are there two World Bible School websites?

www.worldbibleschool.net is where Christians and church leaders learn about WBS, apply to teach, give online, etc. After being accepted as a teacher, one interacts with Students by logging in at www.worldbibleschool.org.

www.worldbibleschool.org site is where Students enroll for Bible lessons and Student/Study Helper interaction takes place. WBS promotional activities around the world direct potential Students to this site to enroll.

How does WBS find Students?

WBS uses online advertising based on search words, as well as traditional media like newspaper ads, mailings, flyers, etc. Many Students are referred by word of mouth by family and friends, including with social media. Christians around the world are active in recruiting Students, as are campaign groups from the U.S. Students enroll online, or by mailing in their address and requesting to study.

What is WBS Connect?

WBS Connect lets you find and teach your own WBS Students. You can focus on your community or a far-away mission point. Learn more in the WBS Connect Program Guide.

As a Study Helper

How do I organize for postal teaching?

WBS postal teaching can be done on one’s own, but is typically done along with others at a church. A “WBS Coordinator” is the point person who orders lessons and gets Student names from WBS, recruits and trains Study Helpers, manages progress, handles mailings and otherwise ensures a successful teaching program.

How do I correspond with Students?

Like a friendly pen-pal, you’ll use postal mail to exchange WBS lessons, answers and notes of encouragement. Response time can be quite extended with the challenges of Student drop-out, busy lives and slow international postal systems. We’ll give you more information about how to cost-effectively send international mail.

How many Students do I begin with?

The WBS office will supply names of Students to whom you’ll send the initial Introduction Lesson. We’ll advise you depending on how many depending on your situation. You’ll continue sending “Intros” to new Students weekly for some time. Over time you’ll see fruit from the seeds you’ve planted. You’ll likely be able to maintain your teaching level with referral names sent to you by your Students.

Will I see Student attrition?

Yes. Like the parable of the sower, many Students do not continue their lessons. Your job is to encourage every Student, find out who shows continued interest and then continue with them in patience and prayer.

What happens when I have a Student who needs “follow up”?

A Student needs “follow up” when he or she has expressed an interest in talking to somebody face-to-face, finding a church or being baptized. WBS has a growing network of Christians who can often help follow up with Students in much of the world. You can refer your Student when logged in with a web Study Helper account or by contacting WBS.

As a postal Study Helper, does WBS technology have anything to offer me?

Yes. A postal Study Helper should apply as a web Study Helper at www.worldbibleschool.net/teach — even if you don’t intend to teach web Students. Then you can log in to adopt postal Students from the Student Board. You can also enter your postal Students for tracking purposes.

While you plan your course of action with a WBS postal program, you can begin teaching almost immediately as a web Study Helper.